Nun Seid Ihr Wohl Gerochen

by J. S. Bach

from Christmas Oratorio BWV248 Part 6 64

Get help with pronunciation
(scroll down to number 64)
(also has a translation)

Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
An eurer Feinde Schar,
Denn Christus hat zerbrochen,
Was euch zuwider war.

Tod, Teufel, Sünd und Hölle
Sind ganz und gar geschwächt;
Bei Gott hat seine Stelle
Das menschliche Geschlecht.

Orchestra de Chambre de Lausanne,
Michel Corboz conducting

Note learning


Cantata 6, number 64. You will have to speed up the player. There is a button that says “faster.” Press it several times.

Home grown:

In these recordings, the first sound you hear is measure 10. At the first repeat sign (end of measure 19) you will hear a short silence, and then sound begins again at measure 10. You hear just enough of the trumpet part so that you can practice your entrance. As usual, the featured voice sounds like a french horn.



